S.S. Geo H Jones

S.S. Geo. H. Jones, a Standard Oil Company tanker operated by the Panama Transport Company.
Geo. H. Jones1419196,91410,525430′59′Three cylinder triple expansion engine, single screw. Sunk 11 June 1942 by U-455 at 45.40’N 22.40W

Geo. H. Jones was built by Sun Shipbuilding and Drydock Corp. of Chester, PA in 1919.  In August, 1941 she was turned over to the British under the Lend-Lease act for wartime use.  She was sunk by a German submarine (U-455) on 11 June 1942.

S.S. Geo. H. Jones at about the time she was turned over to the British. Note the wartime paint job.

Photos from Geo H Jones

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